What are you facing in 2024?
Our founder was a recent guest on the Social Hire podcast. He shared insights on the challenges for business owners in 2024. Social Hire is a social media marketing agency that may be an asset to your business. Connect with them at https://social-hire.com/
Preserving Your Business Legacy
Our founder recently spoke to a group about preserving your business legacy to build generational wealth.
Networking for $$$
Why should you be networking? Because it's a smart strategy for growing your business. By connecting with other business owners or professionals, you can open doors to new opportunities like partnerships, collaborations, and even new customers. Plus, networking helps you stay in the loop on current trends, ideas, and techniques in your industry. At Assured Consultants, we understand the importance of networking and can help you develop this skill. We also offer services like business formation, plans & strategy, coaching, marketing, access to capital, and certifications for government contracting. Connect with us on social media at @assuredconsults.
How to Handle Setbacks and Learn From Your Mistakes
Entrepreneurship can be a rocky road, full of setbacks, challenges and, often, failure. That being said, an integral part of being successful as a founder is to understand exactly where you went wrong and learn from your mistakes, so you don’t make them again.
Why The Best Leaders Lead Versus Manage
It takes great leaders and talent to grow a successful company.
5 Pricing Strategies for Entrepreneurs
When you're an entrepreneur, it can be hard to know what to charge.
Is there a magical equation that tells you what your price point should be?
Kaleigh Moore has some thoughts HERE
12 ways to Maximize Your Networking Experience
Most entrepreneurs do a lot of networking. Doing it effectively is key.
4 Ways Technology Can Make Your Small Business Look Big!
The good news is that there is a lot you can do with technology to make your small business look bigger. With the right tech, you can convey the sense of stability and scale that get people to trust you while maintaining your small business’s nimbleness and agility. Here are four ways you can make your small business look big.
A First-Time Entrepreneur At 60+
Mature workers are starting businesses and thriving. We get you and can help with the process.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Opening a Business Bank Account
If you own a small business, you should open a business bank account to organize your finances. While this may seem like a simple task, it requires good decision-making and careful thought. Small business experts shared some of the common mistakes business newbies make with their commercial accounts, and how you can avoid doing the same when opening your own.
2018 Could Be the Best Year Ever to Be An Entrepreneur
This will be the year to make a difference in your business and the world.
SEO Training: Search Engine Optimization and Marketing for Small Business
We are proud to partner with Zhe Levels Scott, The SEO Queen. Her new book on Search Engine Optimization is SEO Training 2017. This book explains how search engines work, how to create content that ranks, how to get the traffic from your ideal customer(s), and make money! The book is now available in kindle formats.
4 Trademark Tips to Protect and Build Your Small Business
It might sound simple, but the first thing to do in protecting your trademark is try to be original.
Melissa Thompson shows you how HERE